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How to stay ahead...
Latest Water News for CoCT and for the globe.

Cape Town Groundwater News - July 2018

Groundwater update: What is going on with our groundwater? What is the environmental impact of our current rate of groundwater abstraction in the borehole industry?


Simply put, we just don't have enough data or research about our groundwater resources. However, whilst there is no doubt that we can do things better to lessen our footprint a review of groundwater use in this province has concluded a very small and insignificant environmental impact.


Whilst groundwater levels display minor seasonal fluctuations, currently there is no evidence of any drought related significant dewatering. 

However, going forward, the groundwater and drilling industries focus should be directed to the widespread monitoring of groundwater over the next two years. This will allow us to get a real sense of how these levels respond to rainfall recharge and borehole abstraction. Read more at Daily Maverick

Getting below the surface of the Cape Town water crisis

"We’re doing okay, but we’re still in a drought. This was the first year agriculture was ever cut off." Gisela Kaiser, CoCT. 


Cape Town Dam Levels
July 2018

Cape Town dams have again edged their way upwards, with waters levels climbing by more than 1.3% in the past week. Read more at The South African

New CoCT water by-laws 
June 2018

Heres how the new water by laws will affect you... Read more

Red-hot planet

All-time heat records have been set all over the world during the past week... Read more

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